A leading creative imaging solutions company, MusDabby Studios, has launched the first of its kind kid’s photo studio in Nigeria, under the brand name,KiddiesDelight Studios.
KiddiesDelight – which started operations two years ago - launched its flagship studio in Abuja on 15th July 2017 at Plot 2883, Algeria Street, Zone 3, Wuse, Abuja.
The event was attended by children from across Abuja, along with their parents who were impressed at the ambience, aesthetics and exciting props of the studio.
Activities of the launch included a Kids dance party, Comedy, red carpet shoot, studio shoots for family and lots of entertainment. It was a fun party that spiced up the weekend for Abuja families and the whole city knew it happened.
According to the C.E.O of KiddiesDelight , MUSAH ABDULWAHAB, “Kiddies Delight is a boutique photography studio for Mothers and Children, focusing on bringing out the beauty, fun, and humor of children and their families”. he explained further that the studio offers premium photography services such as Maternity photography, Newborn
photography, Baby photography, Kids photography, Event photography and Family Photography amongst a number of other specialized offerings.
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